February 5, 2012

Thank the Germans

Fur den Argentinian Deutchvolk in San Martin de Los Andes,

I want to thank you for not forgetting how to bake pastries and leavened breads when you left your mother country, and deciding not to adopt local baking customs instead. The wheat roll I ate today weighed about 1 pound, yet it was fluffy and moist in the interior. The lemon curd danish was flakey and crispy on the outside, delicately moist on the inside, and lightly sweet. Best of all, 5 pastries and 4 rolls only cost the equivalent of $2.50 USD. If your Leavened goods are this delicious, then I can't wait to eat what you are internationally renowned for: carne de bistek, you call it, or steak! In a land so known for its fabulous steaks, it must be tough to carve a name for yourself. I will eat this famous slab of meat cooked medium rare, almost rare enough to moo, after I earn my keep on a 5 day trek with little more than canned tuna, risotto, chocolate, and oatmeal.

Danke schon, meinen freunden!


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